Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Knowing how to write a good paragraph is essential for every student. In this blog post, I want to give you useful guidelines on how to write a good paragraph. I will section the text into three parts: beginning, main part and ending. 


First and foremost it is fundamental that you brainstorm. You may think that brainstorming is a waste of time, but trust me, it is not. Brainstorming gives your text more structure. Furthermore, you will have a clue what you are writing about when you start your text. Secondly, if the topic sentence is given, do NOT write another one. There is only one topic sentence in a paragraph. Focus on getting started right away, instead. 

Main part


For the main part, it is important that you say something concrete. I know how hard it is to stay focused and write meaningful sentences, but in order to produce a coherent paragraph, you have to concentrate. Learn to distinguish between important and unimportant sentences. If you do not need the sentence to explain what you are talking about, then do not write it. Also, try to include at least one word from the topic sentence. By doing this, you will surely stay on topic


When writing the concluding sentence, check the topic sentence once again. Did you stay everything you wanted to say? Did you stay on topic? Assuming that you agree with this questions, concentrate on the concluding sentence. Do not write new information, as nobody wants to discover something new at the end of a paragraph. Include some aspects of the topic sentence in the concluding sentence by using synonyms. Lastly, check your grammar, spelling and the function of linking words.

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